Lotte Reiniger

Poster for the Film Museum in Düsseldorf
This project was created with cooperation of the Film Museum in Düsseldorf for the exhibition:
Lotte Reiniger and the Absolute Film: Exhibition and Film Series 14 May 2016 to 8 January 2017.
She released the first full-length silhouettes
animated film in the world „The Adventures of Prince Achmed“ in 1926.


The aim of the poster is to put the works of Lotte Reiniger in the best possible way to attract attention.


For the design of the poster, the loving handwork by Lotte Reiniger was recreated in order to best appreciate them and to create an exciting poster. The hands were deliberately used in the picture to emphasize their craftsmanship. In addition, the motion blur of Prince Achmet and his horse is representative of the poster for the first animated films that Lotte Reiniger invented. Typography, Prince Achmet and the color blue was already given in the task.


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Ich bin Louisa, freiberufliche Art Directorin und Graphic Artist mit einer Leidenschaft für die Erstellung von crossmedialer Kreativ-Konzepte für Werbekampagnen, die durch einen klaren Fokus auf das Besondere, Aufmerksamkeit für relevante Themen und spannende Marken schaffen.


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